Francis Moon: Two Worlds Apart, A Compelling Melancholic Single

Sweden's Francis Moon's, Two Worlds Apart is a smooth-sounding, must-listen, indie folk melancholic single!
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Francis Moon

Hailing from Sweden, Francis Moon‘s single: Two Worlds Apart feels like a friend sitting down next to you on the couch; ready to talk but waiting on you to start. This song went immediately to my “relaxing afternoon” playlist.

Moon lets a simple guitar rhythm carry him all the way through the song, save for the chorus which implements soft synths and light piano. His music is a joy to listen to, and I have to admit I listened to a handful of his songs on repeat as I wrote this.

Two Worlds Apart belongs on playlists everywhere. It boasts talent and creativity while still being easy on the ears.

One gets the impression that Francis Moon has loved before. His lyrics give the impression that they were written for the tortured soul In the 2nd verse of Two Worlds Apart, Francis says:

“As many times as we try to let go the night is still wide awake and we are oh so tangled up in one another.

Francis Moon-Two Worlds Apart

Two people who are inexplicably drawn to one another, who cannot separate no matter how hard they try. This song is for anyone who has ever had relationship difficulties, and music is the age-old form of therapy.

“I’m just trying to make sense of the world by writing melancholic songs about it”

Francis Moon (Instagram)

Like Francis Moon, we are all trying to make sense of this crazy world. As many answered questions we have, we have a thousand more unanswered ones. And there is a place for melancholy especially when it comes to music, since that feeling of melancholy allows us to process. Moon’s music allows us to do just that.

He ends his 2nd verse by saying: “I can’t be the only one.

You’re not the only one, Francis Moon.

Francis Moon

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Tony Miller
Tony Miller
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